Turning your battle-weary marriage into a spiritual practice . . . in the name of Love.






The Marriage War & Peace Blog

Me Clara Debra

Cultivating Joy Together as a Family

July 01, 20244 min read

Cultivating Joy Together as a Family

Welcome to our
Marriage War and Peace blog for July!

As we kick off the month with the 4th of July celebrations, it's the perfect opportunity to reflect on the importance of togetherness and joy. Fireworks, barbecues, and parades are lovely, but the true magic lies in the moments we share with our family. Amid the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's essential to carve out time for fun, laughter, and connection.

It's summertime, and the kids are home! 

As families are planning vacations, older teens are starting their summer jobs, and kids are attending sports, learning, and art camps, let's not forget that summer, with all its glory, is a fleeting season. Before you know it, you'll be shopping for back-to-school clothes and supplies.

Plan some fun activities to make the most of your time together this summer. Whether it's spending a couple of hours in the evening watching a movie or playing H-O-R-S-E in the driveway, the key is to relish these moments together.

In this month’s article, we’ll focus on:

  • Our family’s joyful summer project

  • 7 ways to cultivate joy together

  • The Book of Joy

Our Family’s Joyful Summer Project 

This summer has been special for our family, especially with Kara turning 14 and starting high school. We kicked off with a fun beach birthday party for her and her friends, marking the start of a busy social calendar.

We asked Kara what she wanted most this summer, and besides spending time with her friends, she expressed a desire to upgrade her room for high school. So, we embarked on a family project to make that happen.

Kara and I created a room board on Pinterest for inspiration, while Shahriar and Kara worked together to rearrange her furniture. Together, we sorted through Kara's cherished childhood items — baby clothes, Barbie dolls, stuffed animals, books, and beads — and Shahriar and I are preserving these artifacts and memories in photo albums and keepsake boxes.

It's amazing to see how enthusiastic Kara is about this makeover. She's decluttered her school papers and clothes, gone through her desk drawer and night tables, and cleaned all her bathroom cabinets and drawers On. Her. Own!

She's motivated, and we're thrilled. 

This summer, our family is not only celebrating milestones but also cherishing the joy of creating a beautiful haven for Kara as she transitions to high school.

7 Ways to Cultivate Joy Together as a Family

  1. Family Game Nights

    Dedicate one night a week to playing games together. Whether it's board games, card games, or charades, family game nights are a fantastic way to bond and create laughter-filled memories.

  2. Outdoor Adventures

    Plan regular outdoor activities like hiking, picnicking, or biking. Being in nature not only promotes physical health but also lifts everyone's spirits and encourages joyful interactions.

  3. Cooking and Baking Together

    Get everyone involved in the kitchen. Try out new recipes or bake your favorite treats. Cooking together can be a fun, collaborative activity that ends with a delicious reward.

  4. Creative Arts and Crafts

    Set up a space for arts and crafts. Painting, drawing, or making DIY projects allows family members to express themselves creatively and share in the joy of creating something together.

  5. Storytelling Sessions

    Gather around and share stories. Whether they're personal anecdotes, fictional tales, or stories from books, storytelling can be a powerful way to connect and entertain each other.

  6. Volunteer as a Family

    Find local volunteer opportunities and participate as a family. Helping others can bring immense joy and foster a sense of togetherness and purpose.

  7. Daily Gratitude Rituals

    Encourage everyone to share something they're grateful for each day. Practicing gratitude helps shift focus to the positive aspects of life, promoting a joyful and appreciative mindset.

Helpful Resources

To inspire your journey, I recommend The Book of Joy by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu. It's a great resource to help you and your family understand the deeper aspects of joy and how to cultivate it together.

Share Your Insights

Join the conversation and share the activities you do to nurture joy in your family. Your insights and practices can inspire others to create a joyful and connected family life. Share your favorite activities in the comments below, and let's celebrate the joy of togetherness!

Go be joyful this summer!

Veronica's Signature

relationshipsmarried couplesmarriage strugglesmarriage war and peace blogjoy togetherjoy together as familyDalai LamaDesmond TutuThe Book of Joy4th of Julyfunimportance of togetherness and joy, fun, laughter, and connection,summer family activities
Our Marriage War and Peace blog is your go-to resource for keeping you and your marriage strong and healthy by providing information and resources as you navigate the ups and downs of your marriage. And inspiration and hope if you’re battle-weary and ready to throw in the towel. 

As an attorney, family law mediator, and relationship restart specialist, I bring a unique perspective to the conversation on marriage because I’ve “been there, done that” and understand the challenges faced by those struggling in their marriages.

Veronica L. Nabizadeh, Esq., NBC-HWC

Our Marriage War and Peace blog is your go-to resource for keeping you and your marriage strong and healthy by providing information and resources as you navigate the ups and downs of your marriage. And inspiration and hope if you’re battle-weary and ready to throw in the towel. As an attorney, family law mediator, and relationship restart specialist, I bring a unique perspective to the conversation on marriage because I’ve “been there, done that” and understand the challenges faced by those struggling in their marriages.

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"Before working with Veronica my husband and I had spoken to other relationship therapists and did “talk” therapy. At the conclusion of each session we walked away with little insight and rarely forward momentum. After working with Veronica, I see that we are going deeper and hitting the crux of our challenges. Our sessions are practical and we have had positive impact and we’ve made true progress. Veronica helped us identify the unsustainable patterns that we unknowingly got ourselves stuck in and had been causing us very uneven happiness and closeness. After nearly 20 years of marriage, we have hope and look forward to our next 20 years."

-M & S, New York


"On the brink of divorce, we had tried therapy and it didn’t work. Our marriage was a roller coaster and I felt emotionally drained every day. When I got pregnant I had to do something because I didn’t want to bring my baby into our hot mess. Veronica diagnosed was was going on in our first session! My husband and I have helped each other heal so much in our sessions with Veronica. We are a team now and it feels so good to have our son being born into a peaceful home."

-K & M, Washington


"As a result of working with Veronica, I live in peace without anxiety or panic. I love where I live, and I work out and have taken pride in the healthy meals I prepare for myself. Veronica is the only person who has helped me achieve any lasting results. It’s been nearly 2 years since our first session and I am feeling so stable and at-peace. I cannot recommend her enough, as she changed my life."

-JR, Virginia


"My marriage was in shambles and I felt like I had hit rock bottom. I was desperate for a solution that didn't involve medication. My husband refused to go to therapy with me, which left me feeling hopeless. We were constantly fighting and didn't know how to break the cycle. Since Veronica came into my life, my family is in a much better place. I no longer take my husband's behavior personally, and we're able to enjoy each other's company. I hear my kids giggle every day, and it fills me with joy. I'm forever grateful for Veronica's guidance and support."

-SF, Louisiana


"Veronica's approach was unique: she aimed to assist 'conscious couples' like us who wanted a harmonious, child-focused resolution. We found her process educational and empowering; she shattered our notion that divorce has to be a battlefield. Her skillful facilitation accommodated our hectic lives, making continuous progress seem effortless."

-M & D, Florida


  • veronica@relationshiprestart.net

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