Turning your battle-weary marriage into a spiritual practice . . .

3 Coaching Services For Wives

1. Empowering You

Have you been longing for a dedicated relationship coach focused solely on your growth within your marriage?

Supportive Guidance  

Embark on a transformative journey towards personal development and relational growth within yourself and your marriage. As your relationship coach, I offer unwavering support and guidance.

Personal Development  

Together, we'll delve into areas of self-discovery and empowerment, unlocking your full potential as a woman, partner, and mother.

Growth and Empowerment  

Experience profound growth and empowerment as we navigate challenges and celebrate successes together.

2. Should I Stay or Should I Go?

To remain in your marriage or go is an emotionally draining choice.  

Navigating Uncertainty

During chaos, clarity may seem elusive. As a relationship expert, I help you navigate the uncertainty with compassion and understanding. 

Exploring All Avenues

Together, we'll explore every option, tailoring a plan that best meets your needs, from battle-weary to relationship strong or divorce, with dignity and respect.  

Empowering Your Choice

My role is to support you in finding clarity and empowerment, regardless of what you decide.

3. Navigating Divorce

Separating from your husband is one of life's most formidable challenges.


Your Compassionate Guide  

Amid divorce's uncertainty, emotions run high, and questions abound. With a compassionate guide like a relationship expert, attorney, and divorce mediator at your side, you can navigate this challenging journey with greater ease.

Explore Options  

Exploring every option is vital. Whether it's seeking reconciliation or pursuing an amicable separation, we'll examine every avenue. Together, we'll chart a course that resonates with your goals and values, ensuring a smoother transition toward a brighter tomorrow.

Are You Trying to Decide Whether to Stay or Leave Your Marriage?

Download These Valuable ebooks to Help You Decide!

Download Your

3 Free eBooks Today!

To Help You Navigate This Life Changing Decision

  • 10 Signs You Marriage Can be Saved

  • 10 Signs Your Marriage Should Not Be Saved

  • Navigating the Gray Areas In Your Marriage


Happy Client

"As a result of working with Veronica, I live in peace without anxiety or panic. I love where I live, and I work out and have taken pride in the healthy meals I prepare for myself. Veronica is the only person who has helped me achieve any lasting results. It’s been nearly 2 years since our first session and I am feeling so stable and at-peace. I cannot recommend her enough, as she changed my life."

JR, Virginia

Forever Grateful

"My marriage was in shambles and I felt like I had hit rock bottom. I was desperate for a solution that didn't involve medication. My husband refused to go to therapy with me, which left me feeling hopeless. We were constantly fighting and didn't know how to break the cycle. Since Veronica came into my life, my family is in a much better place. I no longer take my husband's behavior personally, and we're able to enjoy each other's company. I hear my kids giggle every day, and it fills me with joy. I'm forever grateful for Veronica's guidance and support."

SF, Louisiana


  • veronica@relationshiprestart.net

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