Turning your battle-weary marriage into a spiritual practice . . .

Are you a battle-weary wife, tired of shouldering the burden of your marriage struggles alone?

Good news:

— You don't have to carry this weight solo any longer. 

— There’s hope beyond the battles. 

— I’m here for you.

My husband refused to go to therapy with me and accepted zero responsibility for fixing what was wrong, so I know firsthand the challenges you face and now we're 24 years strong.


Click below for a heart-to-heart consultation and talk with someone who understands. Let's figure out what's going on together and find the right path forward for you.

Are you a battle-weary couple, torn between saving your marriage or uncoupling with dignity and respect?

Good news:

— You don't have to navigate this decision alone. 

— There's hope, regardless of the path you choose. 

— I'm here to support you. 

My marriage faced a similar crossroad, so I understand the complexities you're facing. Five years into marriage, I sought the advice of a divorce attorney.

Click below for a heart-to-heart consultation with someone who can help. Let's explore your options together and find the best path forward for both of you.

Stop, Drop, & Roll, Baby!® Turnaround

For Wives

3-Day Event

Are you a battle-weary wife, ready to take control of your life within your marriage?

Join me for our next Stop, Drop, and Roll, Baby! Turnaround®— a transformative 3-day weekend event just for wives.

You'll learn about:

  • The seven relationship saboteurs that are undermining your marriage.

  • My proven Stop, Drop, and Roll, Baby!® Technique which saved my own relationship. 

Upcoming Turnaround Event: A special 2-day session on March 1st and 2nd! Details revealed upon sign-up.

Don't miss this opportunity to make a lasting change. Reserve your spot now.

It's time to discover the 'what' behind the 'why' you're fighting so much and extinguish the flames threatening your marriage.


Stop, Drop, & Roll, Baby!® Bootcamp

For Couples

3-Day Event

Are you a battle-weary couple struggling in your marriage?

Join us for our next Stop, Drop, and Roll, Baby! Bootcamp — a dynamic 3-day weekend event designed to uncover the root cause of the discord in your relationship.

You’ll learn about:

  • The seven relationship saboteurs hindering effective


  • My signature Stop, Drop, and Roll, Baby!® Technique for conflict resolution.

It's time to extinguish the flames of discord and build a stronger, more resilient bond.

Take advantage of this opportunity to transform your marriage.

Enroll now for a brighter future together!


3-Day Event

Are you a battle-weary wife, ready to take control of your life within your marriage?

Join me for our next Stop, Drop, and Roll, Baby!® Turnaround — a transformative 3-day weekend event just for wives.


You'll learn about:

— The seven relationship saboteurs that are undermining your marriage.

— My proven Stop, Drop, and Roll, Baby! Technique ® which saved my own relationship. 

It's time to discover the 'what' behind the 'why' you're fighting so much and extinguish the flames threatening your marriage.

Don't miss this opportunity to make a lasting change. Reserve your spot now.

Upcoming Turnaround Event: A special 2-day session on January 23rd and 24th! Details revealed upon sign-up.

Don't miss this opportunity to make a lasting change. Reserve your spot now.


3-Day Event

Are you a battle-weary couple struggling in your marriage?

Join us for our next Stop, Drop, and Roll, Baby!® Bootcamp — a dynamic 3-day weekend event designed to uncover the root cause of the discord in your relationship.

You’ll learn about:

— The seven relationship saboteurs hindering effective communication.

— My signature Stop, Drop, and Roll, Baby! Technique® for conflict resolution. 

It's time to extinguish the flames of discord and build a stronger, more resilient bond.

Take advantage of this opportunity to transform your marriage. Enroll now for a brighter future together!

What Wives Are Saying

About the Turnaround Event

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