




The Marriage War & Peace Blog

Stop Drop Roll, Baby!

Stop, Drop, and Roll, Baby! Welcome and Introduction

August 15, 20234 min read

Early in our marriage, when I was trying to figure out why Shahriar and I were fighting so much, I began using the 'Stop, Drop, and Roll, Baby!' technique to surprising success.

Surprising because I actually did it.

Success because it worked!

Welcome to the 'Stop, Drop, and Roll, Baby! ' mini-series.

Each month, we’ll focus on situational-specific applications of one of the most successful techniques I’ve ever used and one I teach all my clients that’s guaranteed to smother what’s fueling the flames of discourse in your marriage.

But first, some background.

We Didn’t Know What We Were Doing

When Shahriar and I got married, we didn’t know much about what it took to have a ‘good’ marriage. We didn’t know how to communicate our needs without one-upping each other or how to have relational conversations without being triggered. And we most certainly didn’t have the skills to work through conflict.

I don’t think we were much different than most people navigating the “two become one” pathway of marriage. Yet, our inability to deal with conflict continued. Until our daughter Kara brought me to my knees.

Slayed By Truth

My down-on-my-knees-weeping moment came when Kara was four years old.

Shahriar and I had been fighting, and I was busy pretending it hadn’t happened when she came into the kitchen with her eyes brimming with tears, pleading:

Mommy, please stop. You and Daddy fight all the time!

Oh no!

Despite our best efforts to fight in private, Kara knew what was happening and needed me to make it stop.

“Please stop!” Instantly, those two words slayed me and turned me into a failure as a mother.

Mothers are supposed to protect their children. They’re supposed to provide a safe place to thrive, a nurturing environment to feel loved, and a harmonious home in which to live.

I hadn’t.

Worse still, my self-absorbed, needy self hadn’t provided the one thing Kara needed most— peace.

Please stop!

(Those two words still haunt me.)

Yet, as I bear-hugged Kara to me, I vowed to stop fighting and start figuring things out.

The 'Stop, Drop, and Roll, Baby!' Technique

Do you recall the simple fire safety technique taught to children to minimize damage if their clothing catches on fire — stop, drop, and roll?

They’re told to stop, ceasing any movement that fans the flames. Then drop to the ground and cover their faces with their hands to avoid injury. Finally, they’re to roll on the ground or wrap themselves up with a rug to deprive the fire of oxygen, thus extinguishing the flames.

Well, that works when couples are on fire, too.

From the moment I heard Kara’s plea, I decided to:

  1. Stop contributing to the fighting. Stop one-upping my husband. And stop escalating the arguments.

  2. Drop my neediness to avoid further injury when Shahriar distanced himself.

  3. Roll me in inner wholeness to deprive our arguments of oxygen.

Easy-peasy, right?

(I know you’re chuckling with me.)

Fortified with the image of Kara’s tear-streaked face and the echo of her plea, I did it.

Much to Shahriar’s surprise — and mine, too — I fought with him less. I reduced my salvo of needy behaviors while learning techniques to strengthen my inner wholeness.

Dear reader, I’d love to tell you this was an easy thing to do. But it wasn’t.

There were many, many times that I didn’t stop. Didn’t drop. Didn’t roll. But I didn’t give up. After a good cry, and with Kara’s voice ringing in my ears, I’d pick myself up and stop, drop, and roll again.

Whenever I felt like giving up and throwing in the towel, I reminded myself why I was doing this — for Kara. I wanted Kara to grow up to be a strong, confident woman. Secure in herself, bold in her decisions, and at peace within her environment.

Our Family Now

Kara is now 13, and Shahriar and I have been married for 23 years.

I am not exaggerating when I say that learning how to use the 'Stop, Drop, and Roll, Baby' techniqued saved my marriage and is why our family thrives and flourishes.

We all know how to stop fueling the flames. We know how to drop expectations of having others take care of our needs and how to roll into self-care and love.

All it takes is one person in the relationship to use the 'Stop, Drop, and Roll, Baby!' to smother the flames.

If I can do it, you can do it.

Be courageous. Much is awaiting you!

Veronica's Signature

stop, drop, and roll, Baby!marriage war and peace blog
Our Marriage War and Peace blog is your go-to resource for keeping you and your marriage strong and healthy by providing information and resources as you navigate the ups and downs of your marriage. And inspiration and hope if you’re battle-weary and ready to throw in the towel. 

As an attorney, family law mediator, and relationship restart specialist, I bring a unique perspective to the conversation on marriage because I’ve “been there, done that” and understand the challenges faced by those struggling in their marriages.

Veronica L. Nabizadeh, Esq., NBC-HWC

Our Marriage War and Peace blog is your go-to resource for keeping you and your marriage strong and healthy by providing information and resources as you navigate the ups and downs of your marriage. And inspiration and hope if you’re battle-weary and ready to throw in the towel. As an attorney, family law mediator, and relationship restart specialist, I bring a unique perspective to the conversation on marriage because I’ve “been there, done that” and understand the challenges faced by those struggling in their marriages.

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What Wives and Couples Are Saying


"Before working with Veronica my husband and I had spoken to other relationship therapists and did “talk” therapy. At the conclusion of each session we walked away with little insight and rarely forward momentum. After working with Veronica, I see that we are going deeper and hitting the crux of our challenges. Our sessions are practical and we have had positive impact and we’ve made true progress. Veronica helped us identify the unsustainable patterns that we unknowingly got ourselves stuck in and had been causing us very uneven happiness and closeness. After nearly 20 years of marriage, we have hope and look forward to our next 20 years."

M & S, NYC, New York


"On the brink of divorce, we had tried therapy and it didn’t work. Our marriage was a roller coaster and I felt emotionally drained every day. When I got pregnant I had to do something because I didn’t want to bring my baby into our hot mess. Veronica diagnosed was was going on in our first session! My husband and I have helped each other heal so much in our sessions with Veronica. We are a team now and it feels so good to have our son being born into a peaceful home."

K & M, Washington


"As a result of working with Veronica, I live in peace without anxiety or panic. I love where I live, and I work out and have taken pride in the healthy meals I prepare for myself. Veronica is the only person who has helped me achieve any lasting results. It’s been nearly 2 years since our first session and I am feeling so stable and at-peace. I cannot recommend her enough, as she changed my life."

JR, McClean, Virginia


"My marriage was in shambles and I felt like I had hit rock bottom. I was desperate for a solution that didn't involve medication. My husband refused to go to therapy with me, which left me feeling hopeless. We were constantly fighting and didn't know how to break the cycle. Since Veronica came into my life, my family is in a much better place. I no longer take my husband's behavior personally, and we're able to enjoy each other's company. I hear my kids giggle every day, and it fills me with joy. I'm forever grateful for Veronica's guidance and support."

SF, Louisiana

Curiosity replaced contention

I can't thank you enough for your insightful guidance! I'm finally starting to grasp what you mean by marriage as a spiritual practice. Now, when I'm triggered, I pause and ask myself, where is this coming from? This simple act of curiosity has helped me explore any unmet needs, whether related to my relationship with myself or past experiences. It’s incredible how this shift transforms the trigger into a more compassionate response — almost like magic! Although I still desire a compassionate, understanding, and loving partner, I've found that grounding myself in self-awareness and curiosity lessens the intensity of those triggers. Working with you has allowed me to piece together years of personal growth, and your support has helped me apply everything I’ve learned. I’m truly grateful for everything you’ve helped me discover!"

NG, Great Falls, Virginia

Bridging Hearts Through Authentic Communication

"Thank you Veronica for taking a walk with my husband and I through some very difficult times. We are a couple only married 5 years. Our love for one another runs deep but found our communication somewhat lacking in several areas and found ourselves struggling to understand each other’s viewpoint. Our marriage was getting close to dissolving even though our hearts yearned for love throughout our golden years and truly unto death do us part.

Veronica’s spiritual aspect, her true love for people, the sanctity of marriage, her knowledge base and genuine heart has made such a difference in our marriage as we began to look into one another’s history and apply tools given to us by Veronica , we began to see a difference in leaps and bounds in the right direction.Thank you Veronica! You are amazing in so many ways!!!"

J & J Soddy Daisy, TN


"Veronica is a master at pinning untruths and exposing the ego in the most effective way for healing relationship trauma and excelling in life in general. In just two sessions my work with her has helped me identify deeply embedded story lines I’d been living out and a pathway to getting them cleared that has exponentialized my growth and emotional stability.”

FL, New Mexico


"Before working with Veronica, my wife and I had a deep love for each other, but we were having trouble communicating about certain fairly private and sensitive realities of married life. We were frustrated and unsure how to work through these issues. We have some new communication tools from working with Veronica that helped broaden our perspective, softened our expectations, and strengthened our understanding of one another significantly. Our marriage feels more aligned, and we are moving forward with greater confidence and love."


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