In April’s blog, we discussed vibrant moneyships and how to create one. This month, we’ll talk about writing a new moneyship story for yourself — one your children will be proud to inherit.
Here is the Link to April's Blog.
If you’re anything like me, you have a love-hate relationship with money. You love having it and the things you can do with it, and you’re fretful about not having enough.
It’s the fretful part that works against the financial abundance that’s out there, waiting to manifest in your life.
Continuing to speak or think about a money shortage contradicts your desire for abundance. You can’t focus on what is unwanted and receive what is wanted.
Our riches-to-rags inheritance.
What a shaky moneyship looks like — ain’t pretty.
How to write a new moneyship story.
Shahriar and I come from families that once had and then lost enormous amounts of money.
My dad was born in Mexico and grew up in a wealthy household. He and his four siblings each had a nanny, and their stately home sat on hundreds of acres.
When his father died suddenly in a car crash, his mother moved her children to the United States to be near her brothers.
She came to the US with the money she’d inherited, yet lost it all when her brothers talked her into investing it into their business, which failed. Penniless, she put her children into a Catholic orphanage. And just like that, everyone went from riches to rags.
Shahriar was born in Iran and came from generational money. When the Iranian Revolution broke out in 1978, his family was one of the wealthiest in the area. Then the revolutionary government appropriated everyone’s property and money; and overnight, they lost everything.
For most of our marriage, Shahriar has been the sole financial provider for our family. Yet, because of what happened to our parents and grandparents, he was fretful about providing enough money for us, and I worried about us having enough.
Shahriar provided well for us; however, we had inherited our moneyship story and were fearful that some outside entity would take it away. Would we lose it through an insurance audit? Or an IRS audit? Perhaps Shahriar (a physician) would be sued by a disgruntled patient.
Although we never talked about any of this — big mistake — the energy of worry and fear dominated our moneyship.
On top of that, we bought that overpriced piece of commercial property in 2008 [ APRIL’S BLOG: “What’s a Moneyship?”] without much discussion — another big mistake — which added anxiety to our already shaky moneyship.
We needed a new story.
One day, I attended a workshop with Tosha Silver, author of Outrageous Openness and It’s Not Your Money. She asked the group:
Are you and your spouse clinging to financial control out of fear and scarcity? Or do you trust divine guidance to head you to financial stability and abundance?
(Readers, this was a pivotal question for us.)
Although Shahriar and I inherited our riches-to-rags experience, we wanted our daughter to inherit a completely different story.
So, we wrote a new moneyship story!
"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become." — Carl Jung
Step #1: Talk with your spouse about the generational story each of you inherited.
Step #2: Discuss what you’d like to keep and discard from that story.
Step #3: If your children are old enough, get their input about what kind of moneyship they’d like to inherit. Or the moneyship you’d like to pass on to them if they’re too young.
Step 4: Brainstorm ways you can step into your new moneyship story.
Step 5: Write down three things you’re committed to doing this month. Then revisit your moneyship story each month to evaluate how things are going and renew your direction.
Here are the cards Shahriar and I used to keep our new moneyship story on track.
Resource Link:
Tosha helps people access the Divine in deep, alive, and authentic ways. If you’d like to attend her Radical Gratitude event or one of her classes, go here for more information.
Have fun writing your new moneyship story!
"Before working with Veronica my husband and I had spoken to other relationship therapists and did “talk” therapy. At the conclusion of each session we walked away with little insight and rarely forward momentum. After working with Veronica, I see that we are going deeper and hitting the crux of our challenges. Our sessions are practical and we have had positive impact and we’ve made true progress. Veronica helped us identify the unsustainable patterns that we unknowingly got ourselves stuck in and had been causing us very uneven happiness and closeness. After nearly 20 years of marriage, we have hope and look forward to our next 20 years."
M & S, NYC, New York
"On the brink of divorce, we had tried therapy and it didn’t work. Our marriage was a roller coaster and I felt emotionally drained every day. When I got pregnant I had to do something because I didn’t want to bring my baby into our hot mess. Veronica diagnosed was was going on in our first session! My husband and I have helped each other heal so much in our sessions with Veronica. We are a team now and it feels so good to have our son being born into a peaceful home."
K & M, Washington
"As a result of working with Veronica, I live in peace without anxiety or panic. I love where I live, and I work out and have taken pride in the healthy meals I prepare for myself. Veronica is the only person who has helped me achieve any lasting results. It’s been nearly 2 years since our first session and I am feeling so stable and at-peace. I cannot recommend her enough, as she changed my life."
JR, McClean, Virginia
"My marriage was in shambles and I felt like I had hit rock bottom. I was desperate for a solution that didn't involve medication. My husband refused to go to therapy with me, which left me feeling hopeless. We were constantly fighting and didn't know how to break the cycle. Since Veronica came into my life, my family is in a much better place. I no longer take my husband's behavior personally, and we're able to enjoy each other's company. I hear my kids giggle every day, and it fills me with joy. I'm forever grateful for Veronica's guidance and support."
SF, Louisiana
I can't thank you enough for your insightful guidance! I'm finally starting to grasp what you mean by marriage as a spiritual practice. Now, when I'm triggered, I pause and ask myself, where is this coming from? This simple act of curiosity has helped me explore any unmet needs, whether related to my relationship with myself or past experiences. It’s incredible how this shift transforms the trigger into a more compassionate response — almost like magic! Although I still desire a compassionate, understanding, and loving partner, I've found that grounding myself in self-awareness and curiosity lessens the intensity of those triggers. Working with you has allowed me to piece together years of personal growth, and your support has helped me apply everything I’ve learned. I’m truly grateful for everything you’ve helped me discover!"
NG, Great Falls, Virginia
"Thank you Veronica for taking a walk with my husband and I through some very difficult times. We are a couple only married 5 years. Our love for one another runs deep but found our communication somewhat lacking in several areas and found ourselves struggling to understand each other’s viewpoint. Our marriage was getting close to dissolving even though our hearts yearned for love throughout our golden years and truly unto death do us part.
Veronica’s spiritual aspect, her true love for people, the sanctity of marriage, her knowledge base and genuine heart has made such a difference in our marriage as we began to look into one another’s history and apply tools given to us by Veronica , we began to see a difference in leaps and bounds in the right direction.Thank you Veronica! You are amazing in so many ways!!!"
J & J Soddy Daisy, TN
"Veronica is a master at pinning untruths and exposing the ego in the most effective way for healing relationship trauma and excelling in life in general. In just two sessions my work with her has helped me identify deeply embedded story lines I’d been living out and a pathway to getting them cleared that has exponentialized my growth and emotional stability.”
FL, New Mexico
"Before working with Veronica, my wife and I had a deep love for each other, but we were having trouble communicating about certain fairly private and sensitive realities of married life. We were frustrated and unsure how to work through these issues. We have some new communication tools from working with Veronica that helped broaden our perspective, softened our expectations, and strengthened our understanding of one another significantly. Our marriage feels more aligned, and we are moving forward with greater confidence and love."