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The Marriage War & Peace Blog

Relationship Restart

Strengthening Your Couple Connection

August 01, 20244 min read

Strengthening Your Couple Connection 

Welcome to our Marriage War and Peace blog for August! 

As summer winds down and the kids head back to school, it's the perfect time to focus on strengthening the bonds that hold us together as couples.  

This month, we'll explore the meaning of 'leaning in' and how it can fortify a relationship.  

Marriages, like gardens, require consistent care and nurturing to flourish. The concept of 'leaning in' goes beyond physical presence; it embodies emotional support, active engagement, and genuine effort in understanding and valuing your partner.   

With fun activities and practical advice, you'll learn how to deepen your connection and create a sense of unity that defines your Truth in the Name of Love journey. 
 In this month’s article, we’ll focus on: 

  • Samantha and Jake’s leaning in story 

  • 3 ways to strengthen your couple connection 

  • 2 fun couple’s games 

  • The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work 

Leaning in: Samantha and Jake’s Story 

At the milestone of their tenth anniversary, Samantha and Jake came to me for a relationship check-up.  

Like many couples, they juggled demanding jobs and the responsibilities of raising two young children, which led to feelings of distance and disconnection. Determined to reconnect, I suggested they embark on a journey of leaning in to strengthen their bond. 

Their first step was setting aside one evening each week for a date night. They tried new restaurants, took long walks, or enjoyed a movie at home without interruptions. These evenings became cherished moments for leaning in to talk and laugh, rekindling the spark that first brought them together. 

To deepen their connection, they started practicing daily gratitude. Every night before bed, they shared three things they appreciated about each other. This simple practice helped them focus on the positive aspects of their relationship and reminded them to lean in on commitment. 

One weekend, they attended my Stop, Drop, and Roll Baby! Bootcamp for couples, which emphasized the importance of communication. The exercises and discussions helped them see their relationship from a new perspective, and they returned home with a renewed sense of unity and purpose. 

By intentionally making time for each other and practicing gratitude, Samantha and Jake’s efforts to lean in and prioritize their relationship brought them closer than ever, strengthening their connection. 


3 Ways to Strengthen Your Couple Connection 
Building and maintaining a strong connection with your husband is essential for a fulfilling relationship. Here are five enjoyable ways to deepen your bond, enhance communication, and create lasting memories together.  

  1. Daily Check-ins 
    Open and honest communication is the cornerstone of a strong marriage. Make it a habit to have daily check-ins with each other. These don't have to be long or formal; just a few minutes to share how your day went, express concerns, or talk about anything on your mind.    

  1. Little Acts of Appreciation 
    Take time to acknowledge and thank each other for the little things each of you do. Whether it's a note left on the fridge, a heartfelt compliment, or a simple "thank you," these gestures show that you notice and value each other, fostering a positive and loving environment. 

  1. Be Each Other’s Cheerleader 
    Cheer on each other’s growth and development. Whether pursuing a new hobby, advancing in a career, or achieving personal goals, celebrate each other's successes and be a source of motivation and encouragement during challenging times. 

Enjoy strengthening your couple's connection with these engaging and meaningful activities!  

2 Fun Couple’s Games 

If it’s been a while since you and your husband played an adult game together, here are two that are sure to help you lean in. 

  1. The 36 Questions to Fall in Love  
    This game is based on a study by psychologist Arthur Aron, which suggests that asking and answering 36 progressively personal questions will foster intimacy and deepen your bond. 

  1. The Couples Game 
    This interactive game of fun questions is meant to make you laugh with your partner. It's not a "get to know you" game or overly mushy. It's just good fun. 

Playing these games can be a delightful way to reconnect, learn more about each other, and create lasting memories. Enjoy strengthening your couple's connection with these engaging and meaningful activities! 

Helpful Resources 

If you and your husband want to deepen your connection and intimacy, I recommend The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by Dr. John Gottman. This book is grounded in decades of research and offers valuable insights and exercises to help you enhance your relationship.

Share Your Insights

Join the conversation and share the activities you do to strengthen your couple connection. Together, let's create a supportive community where every couple can thrive and grow. 

Veronica's Signature

leadership in marriagerelationshipsmarried couplesmarriage strugglesstrenghtening your couple connection
Our Marriage War and Peace blog is your go-to resource for keeping you and your marriage strong and healthy by providing information and resources as you navigate the ups and downs of your marriage. And inspiration and hope if you’re battle-weary and ready to throw in the towel. 

As an attorney, family law mediator, and relationship restart specialist, I bring a unique perspective to the conversation on marriage because I’ve “been there, done that” and understand the challenges faced by those struggling in their marriages.

Veronica L. Nabizadeh, Esq., NBC-HWC

Our Marriage War and Peace blog is your go-to resource for keeping you and your marriage strong and healthy by providing information and resources as you navigate the ups and downs of your marriage. And inspiration and hope if you’re battle-weary and ready to throw in the towel. As an attorney, family law mediator, and relationship restart specialist, I bring a unique perspective to the conversation on marriage because I’ve “been there, done that” and understand the challenges faced by those struggling in their marriages.

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"Before working with Veronica my husband and I had spoken to other relationship therapists and did “talk” therapy. At the conclusion of each session we walked away with little insight and rarely forward momentum. After working with Veronica, I see that we are going deeper and hitting the crux of our challenges. Our sessions are practical and we have had positive impact and we’ve made true progress. Veronica helped us identify the unsustainable patterns that we unknowingly got ourselves stuck in and had been causing us very uneven happiness and closeness. After nearly 20 years of marriage, we have hope and look forward to our next 20 years."

-M & S, New York


"On the brink of divorce, we had tried therapy and it didn’t work. Our marriage was a roller coaster and I felt emotionally drained every day. When I got pregnant I had to do something because I didn’t want to bring my baby into our hot mess. Veronica diagnosed was was going on in our first session! My husband and I have helped each other heal so much in our sessions with Veronica. We are a team now and it feels so good to have our son being born into a peaceful home."

-K & M, Washington


"As a result of working with Veronica, I live in peace without anxiety or panic. I love where I live, and I work out and have taken pride in the healthy meals I prepare for myself. Veronica is the only person who has helped me achieve any lasting results. It’s been nearly 2 years since our first session and I am feeling so stable and at-peace. I cannot recommend her enough, as she changed my life."

-JR, Virginia


"My marriage was in shambles and I felt like I had hit rock bottom. I was desperate for a solution that didn't involve medication. My husband refused to go to therapy with me, which left me feeling hopeless. We were constantly fighting and didn't know how to break the cycle. Since Veronica came into my life, my family is in a much better place. I no longer take my husband's behavior personally, and we're able to enjoy each other's company. I hear my kids giggle every day, and it fills me with joy. I'm forever grateful for Veronica's guidance and support."

-SF, Louisiana


"Veronica's approach was unique: she aimed to assist 'conscious couples' like us who wanted a harmonious, child-focused resolution. We found her process educational and empowering; she shattered our notion that divorce has to be a battlefield. Her skillful facilitation accommodated our hectic lives, making continuous progress seem effortless."

-M & D, Florida


  • veronica@relationshiprestart.net

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